Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sasha can chew

The trouble with this is he wont chew his food but he will his thumb!!!! Help if you can tell me why he enjoys this so. And it is a soothing thing not an anger thing. I thought that the socks would cure it somewhat???? NOP, NO, NO WAY, NOT EVEN A LITTLE. He just chews on them too. Any suggestion's would be wonderful.

Hugs, Melonie

1 comment:

Leah Spring said...

At the risk of stereotyping kids who have DS...this is a DS thing! Most kids with DS I know chew on their fingers, usually a thumb or pinky. (My Angela chews on her thumbs, pinkies, and index fingers.) For her it's the equivelent of thumb sucking...I THINK! She does it when bored, or when overly tired, or anxious. It had disappeared for several years and now is back with a vengeance. I have given up trying to get her to not do it. I also think hers has an auditory component, becuase she makes a funny sucky/slurpy noise when she does it that goes right up my spine. She's 12, and I've given up trying to get her to stop. She tries hard, but there is something she's getting out of it. Her OT said there she has a need for oral motor stimulation, so we tried to give her other stuff to chew on, and she'll have none of it. Now, we've resolved ourselves to the fact she may always do this. We tell her it's only for doing in her room when she's alone. should see the callouses on her hands!