Prom!!! They were so silly!!!!!
Ive not posted in "to long" But I have been so busy.... 7 kids to the Dentist, 7 + Doctor appointments, papers for 3 care aids for the summer, taking the girls to camp in Oklahoma in June for a week. Had a sale, had so much rain I about bought an Ark. Work, work, work. Not to mention paperwork, and more paperwork. Had to change our kids Doctor for the one we have is moving:) Oh Boy!!! I'm having more fun than I could imagine. Graduation will be the 22 of May so you can see I have a full plate. Hope everyone had a wonderful and Joyful Mothers Day.
With that said Ill say no more about mine:) I'm ready to go to South America and have a mini vacation. I need to sweat off some pounds. Tiffany and Baby are well and Jake will get off his cloud someday! Hes a Joy that's for sure..... The Bride got her dress and is happy with it. I'm glad she didn't make us take out a second mortgage for it LOL. Life is busy, summer is coming, and I'm not ready yet so I press on. Dirt work is done, but the finishing guy cant start his part and get the new play area ready because IT WONT STOP RAINING!!!!!! So, we wait, not something I'm good at.
Anyone want to adopt from China?????????? Go check out Madison Adoptions, they have lots of kids who NEED HOMES. And they are a great agency to work with. Adoption Hope International has a new Mexico program too. This is my Agency we used for 4 of our International Adoptions, check them out too!
Hope you all are well, Hug your kids, you never know if it will be the last time:) Please continue to pray for T.J. he is not doing well and by no means living a healthy life.